Saturday, October 15, 2011

"What's the colour of a two cent piece...COPPA!...COPPA!"

I am a simple man. I like guns and Rifters and killing shit. I don't mind loosing a ship if it means getting into a good stoush. More Rifters for the R1FTA GOD!

Today I woke up, had a dingo's breakfast, grabbed my jacket, and jumped into my Dakka Boat, may she rest in pieces.

No sooner had I fully adjusted into my arse groove, than Zodiak Black's voice blasted over the Reb comms channel, "Who's near Res?"

"Undocking in Hado, on my way", I replied into the mike.

Feeling the g-forces as my ship aligned, as distant sensations, I loaded her guns and went through a pre-fight check. 


Hitting the Res gate I spooked the in-system scout in a Merlin. "Red Merlin on gate." I barked and jumped through.

Zodi was eerily quiet on comms. He must be fighting!

Sure enough, Red Rifter 14 k on the Hado gate in Rens. Shrapnel and superheated gas flashes as Zodi in his Jag ripped into the enemy frigate. Locking on, and burning toward him My good old Dakka Boat added what it could to the butchers block.

The rifer was going down quick, the pilot putting in a good showing, then all of a sudden....


Flashing lights, red boxes, cans of mace, batons, and hot lead!

It was TEH SPACE POLICE! Rifters, Slicer and moar Rifters.

Piling on Zodi, his Jag soon went down, having already been riddled with fire form and earlier engagement with a cruiser on station. [Rebs don't have time for repairs!]. I locked one of the filth and went after him. The bugger was fast, must have had some kind of crazy cop modification, or it might have been that fact that I am a shit pilot. We will never know...

He led me a merry chase, quickly getting a good kite on me, but at the same time drawing me away the long arm of the law. I made my escape.

I headed to ground to come up with a plan, some how Zodi had to be avenged.

Watching them mill around the Hado gate on my scan, I could hear the munching and slurping of coffee and doughnuts, and some back slapping. Lousy Oinkers rolling in their own satisfaction.

Someone gotta die...

They left for hado, I followed, and found them hanging at hado 2 belt1. Must have been an asteroid fast food outlet there, they way the were blobbing it up. 

Issuing a challenge for a 1 v 1 

I waited for any kind of response. There was none!

Coppas tough in their squad boats with their fancy cop gear... 

Then my Dakkas scanners showed probes...that was their game eh?

Good old Dakka boat had seen me through a few fights in the last week, and she had a big heart and sturdy frame. If  I could not get one of these lousy COPPAS to come at me, then I would come at them.

Aligning to the belt I felt their gravitational pull, no doubt enhanced buy doughnut expanded waistlines, pull me faster to death or glory.

"I'll get you you filthy COPPAS!" I screamed over the system channel.

...and then died horribly, but heroically, in a fire.

Good bye Dakka Boat, you have gone to the R1FTA GOD. I shall not mourn you, but honour you in many, many fights to come.

Cheers to Zodi and the Guys from The Space Police for some shits and giggles, looking forward to more.